Capability & Skills Training

Our Courses

Our Approach

Impactful Workshops that reflect the real world

It’s clear that the way commercial organisations interact with each other has changed significantly as a result of Covid.

Our workshops reflect the virtual nature of many commercial interactions in the post – Covid world, with material to support, as well as being able to deliver training to your organisation both virtually or ‘face to face’.

‘Closed’ vs ‘Open’ workshops

The vast majority of our workshops are conducted as ‘closed’ workshops i.e. dedicated to a single client. This allows us to share information as well as discuss commercially sensitive information in an open and candid way. We do however sometimes conduct ‘open’ workshops from time to time – where delegates from different organisations can attend. Details of these workshops are here.

Sentinel Workshops are available to be run remotely

Sentinel Workshops are available to be run remotely We recognise that in the current environment that training ‘face to face’ isn’t possible, so all of our workshops are available to be run ‘virtually’ using web based platforms. Our content has… Read More

Our Courses
Selling - Many sales people can lose a sale or aggravate the buyer by being too complex in their approach, or worse still, unclear in their ‘ask’ of their customer or client. Sentinel's Specific Proposal Selling™ workshop centers your sell on the proposal you make to maximise impact and results whilst still identifying and addressing buyer needs. The workshop...
Situational Negotiation™ Trained by senior ex-Buyers and negotiation experts from top blue chip retailers and purchasing organisations, Sentinel’s Situational Negotiation Course, open to all, is ideal where you only have one or two delegates you wish to be trained. Small...
Specific Proposal Selling™ Trained by senior ex-Buyers and negotiation experts from top blue chip retailers and purchasing organisations, Sentinel’s Specific Proposal Selling course, is ideal for where you only have one or two delegates. Small groups make the workshops highly interactive...
Understanding Retailer Finance - One Day On-Line Workshop A one day ‘virtual’ workshop designed by negotiation expert and Grocer magazine columnist David Sables of Sentinel Management Consultants. We know that commercial managers are often not as comfortable as they should...
Planning and delivering a Supplier Cost Price Increase… With your customers wanting lower prices whilst at the same time your costs are going up we know that getting a cost price increase away is one of the most challenging commercial...
GSCOP ‘Savvy use of the Code for Commercial Teams’ A one day workshop trained by commercial experts on the Grocery Supply Code Of Practice and its real life application At Sentinel, we have carefully studied all elements of the code,...
Focusing on the behavioural skills needed to negotiate in the toughest commercial environments.
Delivering a Cost Price Increase to your customers: One Day virtual workshop. A One Day ‘Virtual’ Workshop Designed by Negotiation Expert and Grocer Magazine Columnist David Sables of Sentinel Management Consultants. With your customers wanting lower prices whilst at the...
Negotiating Skills for Suppliers in the Post Coronavirus world It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change A half day ‘virtual’ workshop designed by negotiation expert and Grocer magazine...
Understanding Commercial Financial Dynamics We know that sales managers and indeed other commercial functions are often not as comfortable as they should be with how customers/clients and buyers performance is measured. Sentinel's Financial Edge™ workshop addresses this. There is only...
Category Management Category management capability training has proved to be one of the most challenging commercial competency skills to deliver and effectively embed within organisations. Often rich in over complicated theory and lacking in pragmatic implementable specifics, category management is...
Cost Price Increase™ Course Summary 1 day workshop to prepare to face one of the most challenging commercial situations in contemporary negotiations Account team based workshop to prepare to execute Invoice Cost Price increase to trade customers based on clients’...
Organisational Negotiation™ Course Summary 1 day workshop based on handling complex, multi-level negotiations to build on the skills and tools covered in our Situational Negotiation™ Workshop Account team based workshop to prepare and execute a real-life, upcoming, complex negotiation challenge...
Organisational Selling™ Course Summary 1 day workshop based on selling complex concepts, products or ideas to clients or customers with multiple levels of decision makers and influencers; building on the skills and tools covered in our Specific Proposal Selling™ Workshop Account...
Consumer and Brand Marketing Training We have teamed up with Magnetic, a creative and strategic consumer marketing company. Magnetic have a unique approach to consumer and brand marketing training, coaching and mentoring. They show you how to make your marketing...
Winning in An Omni-Channel & Multi-Channel World A one day ‘virtual’ workshop designed by commercial expert and Grocer magazine columnist David Sables of Sentinel and Richard Reed (former Boots Trading Director) In the past, a business manager would be responsible...
We know that getting a cost price increase agreed is one of the most challenging commercial situations a supplier can face.
Building better deals faster by presenting your offer in the buyer’s language and by tailoring your sell to meeting their needs.
A common business framework for customer management that integrates with your own business vision and strategies
Comprehensive Account Planning and Management Process.
The ability to deliver memorable, high impact presentations.
Consistent, thorough and rigorous methodology for situational analysis & strategic solutions.
A thorough knowledge of your internal business financial dynamics, as well as the financial dynamics of your customers
Savvy use of the code for commercial teams.

Sentinel Management Consultants deliver sales, negotiation, planning and finance training courses for our clients worldwide.