No one can afford their product launches or initiatives to fail. The delivery of success in market is a must-have for all brand owners and their initiatives.
At Sentinel, we enable this ambition with comprehensive insight-led reviews of all the factors that contribute to the tightrope of success versus failure.
We look at the market, the category, the consumer, the shopper; often different from the consumer, the competition and the relative strengths of your brand proposition. We also cast an informed and experienced eye over its strengths and opportunity areas to help you assess the size of the prize alongside the probability of achieving it. We ensure your proposition gets fully assessed in all these commercial areas, and help you craft the right plan for your product.
As well as working with established brands looking to extend or enhance their current business, we also work with clients looking to enter markets, sectors and/or categories with new products. In these cases, we blend our strategic consultancy work with our product feasibility work to help clients make critical go/no go decisions.
We are dedicated and focused on delivering sustainable success for our clients across both physical store and online retail environments. This means making sure that we have detailed strategies and plans to win across all the key sales fundamental areas but with a special focus on distribution and assortment, space and layout, price and promotion, and supply/availability.
We are also dedicated to staying agile and flexible with our commercial planning at all times. The learning’s from Covid, and the speed with which shopping habits have evolved, means that our plans need to be flexible and adaptable at all times. It also inspires us to be humble at all times and learn tirelessly from the successes, and failures! of other suppliers.
Having crafted the right strategies for our clients and executed the agreed plans with excellence, we then focus on the right set of success criteria by client, for example market share, turnover, profit, margin and investment ROI, and keep a relentless focus on tracking performance.
Regular reviews with our clients mean that they always have their fingers on the commercial pulse of their brand, product or initiative.
The use of scorecards and tracking documents play a critical role in our relationship management model and applies to the way we work with both retailers and clients alike.
One of the key areas of contribution to our clients is contingency planning. This means being able to establish an operating model that prompts action at the right time to build on success, or to fix areas of under-performance in a timely and efficient way. The methodology of having a list of contingency plans, fully costed and ready to action at any time, has a track record of proven in market success for our clients.
Allied to the work of our Capability & Skills Training business unit at Sentinel, we are skilled at balancing the varied needs of our clients in bespoke and personalised ways. The key is to help our clients win and win sustainably.
Registered in England No. 4245436 Registered Office: Suite 1, Liberty House, South Liberty Lane, Bristol BS3 2ST VAT No. GB 776484674 – Sentinel Management Consultants Ltd 2023. All Rights Reserved