What Do Buyers Need? To Be Concise And Ask "Route One" Questions

So the UK furniture salesman was always a bit embarrassed that he was selling bigger chairs designed for the American market. One day a major buyer visited his stand at the NEC, ‘This chair looks bigger than normal,’ she said, inquisitively. ‘Not especially,’ replied the salesman. ‘Shame,’ she said, walking away. ‘I was looking for […]

Farmers Need The Skills To Fight Back

Last month the government responded to proposed amendments on the Groceries Code Adjudicator bill and financial penalties were rejected.  You should read publications on this stuff! Apart from the comedy of MPs defining what an indirect supplier is, you’ll see the focus appears to be ‘fairness’ to the retailer. Have they have forgotten the Bill’s […]

Suppliers Must Learn To Look After Themselves

At Sentinel we advise suppliers in their dealings with supermarkets. With our team of ex-buyers and suppliers we specialise in overcoming the supermarkets’ much-publicised tactics and pressure to help even the tables. Since the introduction of GSCOP in April, we have monitored these behaviours to see what difference the code of practice has made. Unfortunately, […]

Sentinel Management Consultants deliver sales, negotiation, planning and finance training courses for our clients worldwide.